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What is the matrix !

Writer's picture: foly123foly123

What is the matrix

-System of control that is designed to make you a battery , a belief system of fear and limitations , a system to keep you rooted in lies to distract you from your truth so you never reach your

highest potential,

a mental prison, a subconscious program, that creates a figment on your brain that creates a false reality.... an illusion . A system of limiting

beliefs, social constructs and limiting programs designed to hold you back from reaching your true potential.

Religions, Governments, Artificial intelligence, media, schools, education systems, different arenas to keep you disturbed like sports etc.

From the moment you are born they already have the minds of your parents and everyone around you that will play a catalyst role in your


When I see the matrix I see control, the matrix involves fast food, the matrix involves a lack of knowledge, the matrix involves pharmaceutical companies which are really out there

to get more money and make more profit at the expense of your health, the matrix involves pure ignorance

What is the matrix

-The matrix is about an artificial reality it is the world that has been pulled over humanity's eyes ,so many people have been blinded from the truth,

It's an artificial construct, which was designed to imprison humanity .There are forces using humanity as slaves. The matrix is a control structure that

has been planted in your mind from childhood from your birth actually

How did I exit the matrix

Very simply I started to realize there is no matrix out there it doesn't exist ,it only exist if you allow it in your mind

to escape the matrix you have to realize the only way OUT is IN by being in nature by being in beautiful environments like this

you are now freeing yourself from the control greed

1- make sure you just not have a job, make sure you have a lifestyle, quit your job and make a lifestyle, you still work but it doesn't feel like

you are working because you put your heart and soul into your creation.

To escape the matrix you really have to start taking responsibility for your life... stop blaming the government the banks, because once

again the power is you there is no power out there ,....yes there are outside influences but ultimately you can choose them to accept them or not....

and if a lot people realize that... the outer world will transform like crazy according to that

2- BEING IN THE heart space vibration is how to escape the matrix

if you are stuck in ego you are still in the matrix

more money more fame more attention

Let love guide you embrace the love frequency

start asking questions why, who am I, who was I before I got this persona in the matrix because all you know is that name that the parents gave you

but then you will realize you are a multidimensional being living a human experience

3-IF you wanna understand the universe think in terms of energy vibration and frequency ,start to learn about energy frequency and vibration. Without getting at this level by developing your third eye and learning how to get in the present moment in the eternal now where past present and future are happening at the same time and have access to the quantum field, to the new model of creation you can't really escape the matrix, there is still work to be done you need to learn thyself! That's where all your power lies! You are a powerful co-creator when you get there and learn how to really manifest using your creative imagination your 3rd eye and powerful elevated emotions like awe ,joy, excitement , unconditional love, freedom , feeling unlimited, invincible etc. Your whole life will literally change. That requires you unlearn everything you have learned and removes years of subconscious programming on your brain , and also thousands of years of ancestral programming on your body ! Step by Step. Watch this video it has powerful information that is gonna help you!

4- what we have been told from the childhood from our birth is a complete lie, when you are remembering who you are you start to realize

that's all this life is a fucking joke ,a lie, an illusion. And then you start NOT BLAME , JUDGE because that's what keeps you in the matrix

and start to acknowledge that you are this powerful creation of mother nature of the universe

5-A bug is never just a mistake, It represents something bigger ,an error of thinking that makes you who you are embrace yourself

know thyself embrace your shadow its also a part of kind when you make mistakes.... mistakes are mustakes that you need to go to the next

level, embrace the journey, love yourself ,accept your flows every day be a work in progress never stop learning, be an eternal student

6-To escape the matrix learn how to master your emotions, whoever angers you controls you...Remember that you are a powerful soul that you can create thoughts and emotions from within! Through meditations by becoming familiar with yourself by learning the art of self regulating, you can find that on doctor Joe Dispenza book Becoming Supernatural

7- I realized once again the matrix is not something out there...

the real matrix is your mind, you are the creator, you have a "BOX-virus" there that creates a false reality

They want to control karma, they want to control how reality is being created, they wanna turn you into battery .You have to transcend this BOX and

think outside of it ,it's not easy, the matrix has already programmed you that anything that guides you towards that way of thinking(thinking outside the

box)will be rejected or canceled, you have been programmed to have a close mind, I realized I need to open the mind

8- learn about your shadow , begin to heal it, every time you do this your awareness not only your self awareness but your general awareness expands like

crazy, your frequency increases and you get the hell out of the matrix.... because the more aware you are the easier it is to see the matrix

9-Dont fight the matrix,.... instead disconnect from it and create a world without boundaries and limitations based on the guidance of love your

higher self and in alignment with your purpose on planet earth

10-Through intense presence and heightened awareness of the present moment you can become conscious of signs ,signals ,alerts ,and confirmations

from the external world ,your spirit guides use that to shake you guide you redirect you help you ascent and heal you .Learn to pay attention

to changes or variations perceived through your sensory system especially as you are having a thought or

realization of any significance or novelty. Pay attention to deviations in the norm and recognize that they are often happening to get your attention.

11-Your subconscious is talking with images ,so whatever you are thinking of is perceived as something you want, it knows no difference between

positive and negative so whatever you are thinking of you are becoming and you are manifesting in your is your "software" it's program-able

e and it runs 95%of your actions. Make sure you unlock it remove all of this crap you were taught from your birth ,unlearn what you have been lied to

"it's a destructive process" feel it with the truth based on knowledge and critical thinking of freedom based on the guidance of love commanded by

your soul's higher purpose

12-Question everything that's how you escape the matrix ,Read more, learn more, do your own research, realize knowledge is power....and wisdom is an even

greater power..... believe nothing until it makes sense to you.... realize you are the power because you generate everything in reality by your


13-To escape the matrix be smart think for yourself and you grow smart by loving yourself accepting yourself and really finding inner peace within

yourself.... you don't always need to follow the crowd.... the crowd is the matrix that's what keeps you in the matrix.

14-rewrite the script. Plane earth is like a massive video game choose the character you want to play. We are like a giant computer and our beliefs

are the software, so you have to unistall all the bullshit you have been learned and install new stuff. THOUGHTS WORDS ACTIONS, the holy trinity...

those 3 create your reality and the majority of your thoughts come from your software which is your subconscious beliefs. So make sure your software is fucking on point, because if you are

in the matrix ,your current software is the matrix

15-The only hope for our future is in our past...everything is connected... from the 5th dimension you can go back to the past by viewing it with higher consciousness you are now seeing it not as something that has happened to you, but as a way to expand your awareness your consciousness and to increase your frequency. Connect the dots do shadow-work ,heal yourself, increase your awareness ,change your future and have a taste of your new power as a creator. HOW? Change the causation that deepen your being back in the days , transmute the frequencies of the memories and you give birth to a future you that exist now! Once you become quantum, you literally can do miracles ! The power has been with you all along ! All you have to do is go inside and learn thyself ! Remember who you are , remember who you were before the story they told you!

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