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Writer's picture: foly123foly123

Everything is frequency, everything is energy , everything is vibration.

If you wanna understand the universe you got to think in terms of that. Nicola Tesla <3!

Dimensions are not places or locations. They are levels of consciousness that vibrate at a certain rate. Each dimension vibrates at a higher rate than the one below it. In each higher dimension, there exists a clearer, wider perspective of reality, a greater level of knowing. We experience more freedom , greater power and more opportunity to create our reality.

This physical reality the 3D and 4D is an illusion it's your own prison. It is the matrix. You are the matrix. The matrix is you, it is a virus in your brain a system of limited beliefs that are based on fear that create a figment that projects an illusion reality in front of you that it is designed to keep you in your lower nature, that's the reason your brain is sleeping a huge part of it is inactive and that is the reason you have so much Junk DNA. You are actually sleeping. You are consciousness that dreams the dream of you (The persona, the ego , the story they told you since the moment of your birth through religions, nationality, colour, governments education systems advertisement through cartoons and movies etc.)

Imagine time as a huge box where you experience the separation from yourself [your soul, consciousness divine consciousness , GOD , 1].When I put this "*"from now on it is yourself above

Imagine a timeline as a box where you experience the separation from a small part of yourself * . So what happens right there, you* see an idol of a part of you on the mirror of your life. In that creation thought you co-create with other human beings. So they all put their parts in the mirror out there. Those human beings in the bigger picture are you*. So what happens right there it's a whole illusion. Mirror upon mirrors each one showing the separation from YOURSELF*. He who looks outside sleeps, he who looks within awakens.

What Christ did , the master hacker of this matrix, the end of time, IT(Christ consciousness, divine consciousness) literally left you a path with imagery out there in the illusion in the separation from yourself, and also teachings, symbolic ones with parables to LOOK WITHIN! So only the CHOSEN ONES can see!

So if you have the eyes to see from the inside out by looking to the reflection out there in the illusion as a tool to look within you will see the path.

This physical reality 3D 4D is based on universal laws

Each timeline runs on those universal laws

Everything is mental the physical reality is only happening in your mind and in your mind alone, everything connects to everything else. All dimensions are interconnected and each change in one dimension affects the other and vice versa.

There are 7 universal laws that you must have a bird eye view over so you can become aware of the existence of the matrix. I created a video back in the days that you should check it out

There are infinite You's(separations from yourself*) Existing in all timelines in all the parallel universes in the NOW MOMENT. Time is not linear, it is simultaneous. Everything including the past and future, are all happening right now. Past lives are actually parallel lives future lives are actually parallel lives. Dreams are taking place in the 4D another layer of the matrix which contains the consciousness of thinking as well including imagination. Everything is happening in the eternal NOW and everything connects to everything else, it is all connected, separation is the illusion that keeps you in this prison. In higher dimensions there is no time because we experience everything happening simultaneously in the NOW as ONE! Imagine a timeline like a thumbnail of a Youtube video , it exists there but you don't play it until you click the thumbnail.

The click to the timeline is your FREQUENCY that is the key that opens the door to that timeline. The creation of this matrix is governed by the law of attraction which states that alike energies synchronize with alike energies. So if you change your frequency from within , the universe has no other way to exist but answer the call of the divine creator. That's where your power exists, in your internal world where everything is sleeping. And as YOU (CONSIOUSNESS) begin to AWAKEN everything will begin to get activated along with your awakening. Your brain your chakras your DNA that is the spiritual awakening ascension process.

In order to become aware you need to have a bird eye view over the 7 laws of this matrix of this prison.

Also you need to understand the language of energy, unless you do you will be trapped in an endless loop of suffering and challenges.

Here is a teaching about the language of energy

No thinker will ever escape the matrix. Actually that thinker will have to be crucified!

To Escape the matrix is to transcend the level of thought in my mind

To Escape the matrix is to transcend the ego

To Escape the matrix is to transcend the Consciousness of thinking

To Escape the matrix is to open a higher dimension of consciousness above the limited intelligence of the thinking mind

The door to transcendence opens when you experience a shift in consciousness.

How do you do that.

There are 2 ways to get there and ultimately infinite paths.

-The first is suffering. You keep being unconscious and your whole life becomes a living hell, depression ,stress anxiety problems, serious diseases , fear. Out of that suffering that is hell on earth if you are a strong spiritual warrior and you don't break comes the possibility of a shift in consciousness . Hell on earth is not for the weak, you will be suffering for years to your limits, only GOD will drag you out, no human can escape that place

-The second and more kind is through self reflection and consciousness.

You are body mind and SOUL (CONSIOUSNESS)

You are not conscious , when you say you are conscious you separate yourself from your consciousness, the consciousness is trapped within the mind.


By taking all your attention from your thoughts , your emotions , from the material world from the people out there, and from TIME, now you are pure consciousness , in other words by paying all the attention to the observer of the thinking mind and emotional body (that part inside you that is aware that you overthink for example ) a new dimension of consciousness begin to unfold within you like a lotus on the top of your head. That consciousness is above thinking and higher intelligence it's vibrational, the ego mind of the matrix it is designed to not let you go there in any way, your own ego will do everything to stop you because that is the door.

This is the true meditation. No technique is needed , its all about BEING.

You can practice that everywhere in your day to day life. While you wait in the bank take all your attention to the observer and get full on your sensory system. The more you do that the more you will be able to perceive messages from the higher dimensions.

If you do that enough and the new level of consciousness unfolds enough within you, divine consciousness is gonna come inside you from the top of that lotus. As Christ said, we will come and habit inside you. In the beginning the divine consciousness the baby Christ is gonna be fragile like a candle that the wick is almost about to stop burning. You need to protect it that will be a phase in your life that you will have to build boundaries go to nature isolate get high quality information etc etc to protect the baby Christ. The more you travel in the time dimension by paying attention to the observer inside you, the divine consciousness is gonna become aware of itself in this time dimension. God is not from this matrix. God manifests itself through US in this time dimension .

This is called presence ( the divine consciousness that becomes aware of itself in this time dimension )

When you develop more presence, that presence will begin to feed on your fears , every fear that comes into your awareness will be burned by the fire of presence and will be felt in your heart chakra as uncomfortable negative feelings getting transmuted . That fear will then become FUEL FOR YOUR PRESENCE. When this is done enough which is happening in the 4D state of consciousness and when you understand and have a bird eye view over the 7 laws that run this matrix as well as the language of energy and become a master alchemist :

The call will be given from within from the divine consciousness in you FROM GOD IN YOU. That's the call to your crucifixion . This is the call to transcend human and become human GOD. What will happen in that path, the divine consciousness is gonna open a path for you to transcend this matrix. What will happen there you will go and crucify yourself to the mirror of your life by experiencing your internal reality as 95% and the world out there as 5%. That means no more boundaries, no more running no more human beliefs, complete surrender that's how you transcend this world. So you will go all in with courage and with all the divine presence and all the realms the angelic realms your spirit guides ,holy spirit Christ and you will go all in to your triggers. You crucify out there but the real crucifixion is happening within you where the divine consciousness is consuming one trigger (fear) after the other inside you where at the same time you feel everything in your heart center (you are much better at feeling and transmuting by that moment but you are DYING INSIDE). Like a black whole the divine consciousness is gonna consume your false self everything that is not true will DIE inside you. You are guided by divine consciousness, it will be a non stop experience of death ,the whole browser will align the numbers will guide you will take you by the hand and lead you back to yourself, I remember in that experience at 30 October 2022 in 10 hours I saw more than 14000.0 angel numbers , 11:11 ,000 ,111,222,333,444,555,666,777,888,999 , 55555 ,00000 99999,66666,44444 etc etc.

When it is done and you TRANCEND in the next hours in less than 48 hours personally you will be filled with PEACE OF GOD with high 5th dimensional energies of unconditional love and joy. Energies that are not from this world and this world is not prepared for them. Your ego will be completely dead , a new ego a free spirit will exist and YOUR TRUE SELF will now take the wheel of your life. That is GOD in human form. Once you are there a call will be heard from the Heights of heaven:

11Welcome to the army of GOD11

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