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The Mask and the death of the ego

Writer's picture: foly123foly123

My spiritual awakening got triggered at 11/11/2019. Most people I observe experience a lot of mini deaths along their journey and then the death of the ego. In my journey , I experienced a huge death of the ego in the first days of my spiritual awakening.

I went directly from hell on earth to heaven on earth. For 7-10 days my body was in super high frequencies, I was exploding out of love, every cell of my body was pure unconditional love, that energy, that feeling, I can never forget and still, I can't recreate it through the mind but I am slowly getting closer and closer as I experience unconditional love. It just comes from within, it came later on in my journey. So, first I experienced this bliss state where I was exploded up on heaven on earth, in the 5th dimension, my 3rd eye popped open and I was experiencing the magic of my soul (the 5th dimension ) the realm of oneness that transcends linear time .

7 Days of experiences were enough for the death of my ego. Suddenly I knew I am so much more, I was a multidimensional being living a human experience. These experiences was like a carrot from the universe telling me "look how you can live your life from this state of being". This experiences changed me forever, I had no idea what I was going through back in the days , but I knew that it was the right path, I was experiencing the miraculous back to back. I had outgrown the cage of identity, suddenly I was bigger, I was the observer of my mind.

That was the day I realized the matrix, first out there and then slowly after the months were passing by inside me. I couldn't hold those energies for a lot .

After 10 days the power of the energies started to slowly subside , I was going up and down , a roller coaster of highs and low between the 3rd and the 5th dimension. Everything was happening so fast and so perfect. It was full of challenges full uncomfortable, full hard but I was and I am perfectly aligned. It's cycle was a cleansing guided by my soul , Archangel Michael, my spirit guides , Jesus, God . Everything that exists in the realm of oneness that takes part in my journey in this human experience.

Each cycle, when I was high , I was connected, when I was going down into the 3D reality to heal my past, I was losing the signal of the connection, until the hardest moment of my life somewhere at 2020, where everything was super dark and the only light was the light of my soul within.

Each cycle was causing me mini deaths, a lot of mini deaths, I was dying in all layers. Everything that is happening in my life is divinely guided , it's perfect .It's all working for me. Me is my soul! Suddenly after this the connection begun to get stronger and stronger, from each cycle of purging I was getting deeper, there was a depth opening in me, my ego was there yes, (completely changed though, the old self was dying and a new one was getting born) the same is happening until today, I am in the final line. So now my ego is a free spirit there is a small part that I know I need to become aware and cleanse it but I have so much depth right now. It's like the go is the first layer of the onion and that there is so much more depth.

IDENTITY. It was all about things I was still identifying with and that I was attached to. Different identities that were entangled with each other. The persona WEA the identity I had built up in the spiritual world, that – no difference to other gurus or teachers – most people saw as someone with answers to follow. A way shower. Who am I without that persona? Who am I without the twitch / youtube channel ? Who am I without followers?“ These questions hammering in my head were cutting like a knife. What is left of me without any roles, attachments, conditions, without any legacy?

And I did… NOTHING. No reaction. I surrendered. I surrendered to the present moment.

This old identity that was based on ego, on separation on conditions was dying day by day, experience after the experience. Until my ego transformed completely to a free spirit (as above so below) . Finally I am free, I am experiencing the 5th dimension, I am not from here ( from this physical reality, I am a multidimensional being living a human experience) my body is my vessel . Everything is coming from the inside out now. And the experiences are higher and much more real and change me and evolve me much more than everything I was looking out there. My view of the world changed. I realized how wrong I got all of this until that days. Instead of perceiving reality from the outside in disconnected from everything in linear time and reading energy through thinking through the flawed ego mind, my view changed to multidimensional time (where everything happens in the eternal moment past present and future are happening in NOW and it's all connected your dreams your life everything your past lives etc). After the mystical experiences suddenly I knew there was a huge change in my brain and in my system. I was reading energy different , I knew, I was becoming a powerful observer, I couldn't explain what's changed until recently. What happened was that my 3rd eye popped open which like a tv transforms the quantum data into something that the mind and body are ready for( the intention is always coming from the higher intelligence of the soul) , then the parasympathetic nervous systems transfers this quantum data to every cell of the body , my whole sensory system is alert and I am reading energy through feeling. This is higher intelligence, there is no ego there no labeling through thoughts! You just know through the quantum data!

Ego, the mask, the identity the person, was removed. I AM FREE!

Abundant , eternal , timeless , pure unconditional love! My frequency is rising , I am getting ready I am getting there permanently!!! The final push is happening right now at my life, but this time I don't force anything, I ALLOW, I surrendered completely in the present moment!

I am creating a new, inclusive world now – for me, not for others. The way I imagine it and want it to be. And those who want to co-create it with me and us, based on the energy of oneness, abundance and play, are very welcome to join that new playground. I don’t have to find those people, I don’t have to convince anyone. It is happening organically, naturally, without any effort. The attachments to anything of the old world based on duality are gone. The only bridge between dimensions and people is our heart.

I don’t have to convince anyone. It is happening organically, naturally, without any effort. The attachments to anything of the old world based on duality are gone. The only bridge between dimensions and people is our heart.“

I realized that nothing what we had learned based on the „laws of duality“ would work in this new frequency band. Conditions, expectations, control, identity, attachments, linear thinking, the finding out of HOW… all of it falls away. Everything that is not NOW, everything that is projected into the past or future or onto others, has expired and has no resonance field any longer. The old ways do not work anymore, no matter how hard we try to stay in that (spiritual) comfort zone. No more crutches, no more training wheels. We have outgrown the low-frequency jacket, it is too small to still be able to wear it. Now I see that all of it was an investment into myself. To expand, to learn, to integrate, to remember.

Nobody is going to do that job for you. Everybody out there is just a guide. It is one thing to talk about it and understand it all in theory. It is another thing to actually do and embody it. To let go of all that „truth“ out there, and return to our inner truth and intuition. Only we ourselves can let go of all attachments and beliefs we have and can jump into our pool of fears into nothingness, having faith that beneath the dark surface is a whole new spectrum of beautiful, warm and cozy colours and that the result is far beyond the best thing our mind could have ever come up with.

What is left of "me" after dropping all these identities?

What remains is Unconditional love, playfulness, curiosity, talent, freedom, abundance , passion and connection to all, no longer experiencing the physical limitlessness . The mirror is empty. Actually, in the world of oneness there is no mirror. There is no student or teacher. There is no follower or leader. In oneness there is exchange, sharing, space holding, and the realization that everything and everyone is an aspect of me and the organism I am part of. Just like all the cells in a body. There is not one leading cell. All of them are contributing with their unique function to the whole. All of them embodying the same code, the same DNA. Interdependently. You, me, us – it is all part of the same, with a unique essence and contribution.

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