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Shake up your life: how to change your own perspective

Writer's picture: foly123foly123

Updated: Jun 24, 2022

Along my journey ,after a lot of struggle and trial and error and creating my own pain after years of thinking that life was happening to me and after years inside the matrix (which is a program of limited beliefs based on fear that run our whole entire life since the moment of our birth), after suffering and depression.... 11/11/2019 the trigger of my spiritual awakening happened. Since that day everything has changed. There was a shift in my consciousness my 3rd eye popped open and I slowly after having transcended experiences , mystical experiences, synchronicities , after experiencing the oneness with everything and everyone I came to those 10 Realizations that will help move your life to the next level!!!

1- Number 1 and most important to realize is that everything is inside you

Everything is energy frequency and vibration. Everything exists as possibility in the quantum field . What make that possibility that timeline, that dimension physical reality, is the observer and that is you, your state of being.

Your state of being consists of 2 things. Your thoughts and your emotions.

Your thoughts are the electrical charge you send to the quantum field and your emotions are the magnetic charge. Your thoughts and emotions are your electromagnetic signature in the quantum field, that means the possibilities are equal to your imagination. The key is your 3rd eye, that's how the light ( from the higher dimensions, higher frequencies not photons. get in this reality) .

This dimension is only accessible when you get in the present moment


Once you are there, you are no-one - nothing timeless, you are pure consciousness, this can be done through meditation practices, by following your heart impulses, learning how to practice self love and self care and doing inner work ( inner child work, shadow work , self love). The key is still the development and the activation of the third eye.

So the world out there is nothing more than a reflection of your inner state of being. So The key to LIFE IS AWARENESS. The more you are aware of what you are thinking and feeling in the day the more you have the power in your hands. So no thought no emotion from your internal world has to pass unchecked. The same for the outer environment.

2-You have to be really mindful of what you consume with all your senses.

What you consume, consumes you. Your body makes new cells based on what you eat every 30-35 days. What you eat will play really important role in your evolution as a human being and in reaching in your highest version.

When you watch a video on Youtube you are getting programmed.

When you read an article you are getting programmed

When you listen to music, you are changing.

You have to be really mindful of what you are consuming with all your senses.

3-Paradoxes are the bugs of this reality where god consciousness manifests itself (if you look deeper)

4- The only way out is IN

5 - There is an energy that has consciousness that penetrates the entire existence each and every single cell and unites us all. Higher intelligence, infinite intelligence. The energy that gives form and order to everything. I call it God consciousness, another name is quantum field, another name is the spirit realm, another name is the 5th dimension .

6- The only way to experience abundance and physical limitlessness is to connect with the truth of who you are, to awaken to your true nature,

and to ascent into the 5th dimension by melting with the god consciousness (quantum field)

7- Paradise and hell exists on earth. They are both state of consciousness and eventually state of mind .Paradise is living in the 5th dimension state of consciousness. Religions are for people who are afraid to go to Hell.

The moment that they tell you paradise exist after you die , you automatically choose hell.

8- The higher your frequency the higher your consciousness, the higher your consciousness the higher your awareness the higher your awareness the more you can perceive in this reality.

9- Choices exist as long as you are separated from the source.

This begins by being separated from your soul

In this life exist a path of the perfect balance between everything. This is the flow of the universe(god consciousness)

In order to find that path in your life:

1-you have to learn how to get in the present moment in the eternal now where everything exists at the same time, past present and future are happening at the same time.

2-You have to learn how to follow your heart impulses into the unknown , against everyone and everything. Your own mind which has the matrix programming since the moment of your birth and is fighting the impulses of your heart and also the minds of everyone around you (your parents your friends your teachers that tell you to live the life they want you to live for them )

3-This path exists in the perfect balance between discipline and surrender while at the same time you are detached from everything and connected to everything.

10-You have to learn how to see, everything connects with everything else. It's all connected !!!!! Your past , your future your present your dreams what you experience in this reality , the thoughts that you create , the collective thoughts, everything IS CONNECTED SEPERATION IS THE GREATEST ILLUSION EVER created by the matrix.

















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