It's all energy it's all frequency it's all vibration!!!When we are talking about dimensions we are not talking about places or locations! They are levels of consciousness that vibrate at a certain rate. Each dimension vibrates at a higher rate than the one below it 3D<4D<5D. In each higher dimension, there exists a clearer, wider perspective of reality, a greater level of knowing. We experience more freedom, greater power and more opportunity to create our reality.
The 5th dimension is the plane of unconditional love, you can be a vibrational match when you are on a very high frequency level.
The metamorphosis and the ascension process from the 3D fear based matrix reality in which separation and limitation is an every day being begins in your spiritual awakening. When your soul decides, it triggers your spiritual awakening. And then the process begins. The great purging the dark night of the soul , a roller coaster of high and low emotions , from experiencing the greatest state of being you ever had in your life to the greatest challenges you ever had in your life. All this up and down , which I call the elevator where the great purging begins I call it the 4th dimension. This is the place where the purging is taking place. You are getting out of linear time, your third eye pops open, you begin to have multidimensional inner experiences ,you experience the present moment where everything is happening at the same time ,you learn how to do shadow - work , meditation inner child work how to love yourself and all these super uncomfortable situations , those challenges, are necessary so you can let go of what is not really you and reconnect with your true divine essence to have this inner union(it is at this moment that the universe reveals your twin flame and invites you to take this journey into yourself to discover who you really are through the mirror of your divine counterpart). It's when we can become below as above, that the without will be as within- meaning that we can embody our soul self in the physical (this INNER UNION) our physical experience will reflect back to us the outer union we so deeply desire- not only with the beloved, but with all that is.
Signs that you are experiencing this shift in consciousness and you are entering the 5th dimension (heaven on earth)
1-You are receiving a major upgrade in your operating software and DNA hardware. It's like your mind and body working like a super fast computer that operates smoothly at the speed of light ! It will help if you reboot it (meditate, exercise and go 80%raw vegan , no gluten no sugar no diary) which will make your body and mind much more stable, expansive, have a sharp creative mind , clear memory , and make your overall life much easier to operate.

2- Random feelings of deep inner peace, and thoughts of letting go of everything in your life, your only desire will be to meet your soul all the other desires will subside. You will stop dwelling on any harsh "3D" issues" such as money, lacking love, debt, schedules, ill health, not having enough time, or stress from having too many to do. Suddenly like an airplane lifts up to the sky and avoids mountain and watch everything from a bird eye view, all these thoughts that are based on fear and limitation , will be transcended .

3-You will feel like time has speed up and slowed at the same time. Suddenly there is more happening in the space of a day, yet the days and weeks feel longer. You will flow from one experience to another like water. Accepting embracing and letting go in the perfect flow of the universe.
4-You suddenly feel as though you can no longer tolerate something you have resisted changing in your life. You will feel like you no longer have a choice. Everything you were running from your entire life, you soul is pushing it up on the surface to be processed transmuted and purged . Issues that you couldn't deal with for years will be resolved really fast, some times in minutes, some times instantly, that's the power of unconditional love !

5-You will experience TONS of synchronicities, your whole life is gonna be filled with magic up to a point where you experience the miraculous. From seeing 11:11 ,repeated numbers like crazy, to the whole universe aligning to give you messages, back to back, and that's where you will experience the magic of your soul. These are all signs that you are on the right track , you will be aware of a greater divine force guiding you, a higher intelligence.

6-Synchronicities are gonna be your greatest supporter in the massive challenges you are gonna face in your ascension process. These challenges are necessary for your preparation, for your ego death and the purging of the layers of fear inside you. The ego is a great survival mechanism, what will happen is that the matrix inside it will get break downed by your soul, this will actually feel like you are dying. It's necessary, keep going ,keep flowing , follow the light of your soul.
7- You will feel very spacious and light. You will sense this open trusting and effortless flow of life in each moment

8- Communication with Archangel Michael, angels, spirit guides , 5th dimensional beings , is gonna be easier as you ascend because since your frequency is increasing you are becoming a vibrational match to those high frequencies.

9- The same number of events may happen on a normal day, yet there will be a much richer and more juicy experience of each one. Life will be full of lightness and a love for being alive that it creates a timeless sensation of your life.
What feels like 2 weeks in the 3rd dimension, can seem like a month in the 5th dimension. The normal string of events in a day may not seem to happen in order or a "straight line" You may experience them randomly or move instantly from point A to Point W or Ω in seconds. The 3D view of time will seem pointless and like kindergarten consciousness as you will understand that there is no end to this life. You will know that you are an eternal multidimensional being who cannot die and is all-powerful. You will know this without any doubt. If you meditate and connect deeply with who you are with your essence , you can even come to know the time and place of your physical death! (YOU CAN ALWAYS CHANGE THAT IN THE 5th DIMENSION that's your way out! Don't freak out when you see it , THE KEY IS THE 3RD EYE).
Whatever you once thought was impossible to happen, will and can manifest right before your very eyes. Sometimes the answer will come before the question comes ,this is moving you in the eternal NOW moment where past present and future are happening at the same time.
10-You make the commitment to devote your life to remain in Trust, Love and Surrender to your highest possible self. This practice will naturally help you ascend and open yourself up to experiencing the highest levels of joy and inner peace with effortless easy. You will notice when you are not abiding by this formula when you start to experience intense suffering in your inner world.
11- You will begin to wake up to your power , you will realize that your power has been within you all along but the 3D matrix programming in your ego, has been stopping you from looking inside you. And then..... GET READY FOR THE HEAVEN ON EARTH, it's coming !!! <3 <3 <3