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How to overcome fear of illness

Writer's picture: foly123foly123

In order to overcome the fear of illness we must become aware of where it is coming from, what's the origin, because as with all beliefs there is always an origin.

Fear is not our natural state, is not in essence with our true self, we have been taught fear, it's super important to become aware of that, because a big part of finding yourself is to get rid of all the crap inside your mind that is based on fear and limitations, in other words the matrix programming inside your brain.

The fear of illness is closely related with the fear of death

It actually begins to inhabit your mind after you have had an illness

In the main, man fears ill health because of the terrible pictures which have been planted in his mind of what may happen if death should overtake him.

You have been programmed since the moment of your childhood to be afraid of illnesses and death . Through cartoons through horror movies , through tv, through the matrix.

One more reason that you might fear

You have to realize that whatever you program your subconscious mind it runs on it, if you program it on fear and limitations, fear of illnesses fear of death , fear of the unknown ,victim mentality , fear of abandonment , fear of rejection fear of money , fear of love ,fear of poverty your mind will create your destruction in your reality, and this is what happens in the most of the people lives.

So instead you have to learn the art of mindfulness meditation , to create space within your thoughts until you manage to go no thought, when you go no thought you will be no-one no-thing - no time , timeless, that's the point where you are pure consciousness and you can begin to reprogram your mind.

First of all in order to overcome this fear, you need to put the light of awareness into your unconscious thinking mind. This is 85 % of the healing process and transmutation.

There is an uncomfortable feeling when you create this fear in your mind and body

Stay with it , feel it acknowledge it and then follow it. You have to realize the thought patterns that keep feeding it in your mind. I am gonna share some from my journey. The moment you do that you have to understand and question those thoughts ,don't believe them. Create space for them and observe them in complete detachment , try to understand how you create reality. The whole pattern is getting reinforced by WORRY .Worry is a state of mind based upon fear. It works slowly, but persistently. It is insidious and subtly. Step by step it " digs itself in" Until it paralyzes one's reasoning faculty, destroy self-confidence and initiative. Worry is a form of sustained fear cause by indecision therefore it is a state of mind which can be controlled. The fear of illness becomes translated into a state of worry.

People that are afraid of illness have The habit of talking of illness, concentrating the mind upon disease, and expecting its appearance until a nervous break occurs. Nothing that comes in bottles can cure this condition. It is brought by negative thinking and nothing but positive thought can affect a cure.

-EXERCISE. Fear of ill health often interferes with proper physical exercise and results in over-weight by causing one to avoid outdoor life.

Fear of ill health breaks down NATURE's body resistance ,and creates a favorable condition for any form of disease one may contact

The fear of ill health often is related to the fear of poverty, especially in the case of hypochondriac who constantly worries about the possibility of having to pay doctor's bills.

-SELF CODDLING. The habit of making a bid for sympathy using imaginary illness as the lure . The habit of feigning illness to cover plain laziness, or to serve as an alibi for lack of ambition.

-INTEMPERANCE. The habit of using alcohol or narcotics to destroy pains such as headaches neuralgia instead of eliminating the cause.

The habit of reading about illness and worrying over the possibility of being stricken by it. The habit of reacting patent medicine advertisements.

After you realize what you are creating in your life because this fear exists in your brain, now you are gonna transcend and don't believe any of the limitations, instead you will use your imagination to focus on the next step you can take to find a solution to the problem. There is always a way out no matter where you are for someone who is smart enough for it.

The key is the development of the 3rd eye and your six sense. Your creative imagination, when you develop your six sense and your 3rd eye becomes a powerful guardian angel in bringing you information that transcend the current limitations of your mind, and help you think outside the box and make choices and have thoughts from within that can overcome anything , and when I am talking anything I mean it , anything. So you have a set of information that exists in this reality. Use your imagination to combine the dots, and use your creative imagination to bring the new. This is the key to overcome the fear of illnesses and illnesses as well. Because illnesses in the first place exist in that old version of you that is afraid of them and creates them through thought patterns inside you.

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