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How to increase your frequency and rise out of the darkness of your life

Writer's picture: foly123foly123

Nowadays with all these crazy stuff that is happening out there it's really important to heal our emotional body , our energy systems with all these negative energies it's really important to shield ourselves so we don't get sucked in and allow them to enter in our life. And right now the whole world needs a whole bath because it needs to cleanse from all this heavy energy around , there is so much crazy energy around guys and girls .

So you may ask " how can I heal how can I protect and raise my frequency?" First of all you have to realize that you are not the only one , a lot of people have been in this position , I have been there , and a lot of people are in your position at this time. You see everything that is happening in the world right now is not happening by accident its happening for a reason, and the reason is we have to take a look at ourselves because we created this through our minds through our thoughts , our thoughts are powerful. If we want a better world , a more peaceful world , a more balanced world it has to start inside of us

If you wanna understand this universe you got to think in terms of energy frequency and vibration, its all energy , its all mind

So we have to understand how energy works we have to understand the language of energy in this 3D 4D reality in this human experience we live in other worlds

I am 2 years and 2 months in my spiritual awakening and i came to realization that the creator of this reality is lucifer /devil.

So the basics I realized in understanding the energy is that low vibration energy , fear based energy comes to you by default , high vibration energy has to be summoned

You will notice in your day to day life that if you are not actively doing things to get present what happens is you start to going down so low vibration energy will come to find you , high vibrational energy must be actively called upon.

Low vibrational energy tends to be revolving around the physical 3D reality , high vibrational energy tends to revolve around the idea of presence , which is actually your soul that is connected with the outside 3D,4D reality , people call it 5D. As long as you are in the 3D , 4D reality , suffering is inevitable , we all gonna suffer here , so we have to learn how to change that to something that empower us .

You have a force field , its your aura body and what can happen in some cases is that they can be splits in this protection circle and it means that low vibration energy, entities and stuff can run through those splits inside you , drugs and alcohol consumption help a lot to create those splits. That's why it's called alcohol spirits. We live in a dimension where these energies and entities are super common its their natural place. Another one is , lack of feeling of safety connected with the root chakra and inner child wounds check my video right here I am gonna put a card. lack of feeling of self approval ,lack of feeling of control ,self attack, fear of the unknown, attachment, fear of abandonment, or anything that you need something in the physical that's attachment , what happens is these are the entry points inside you little hidden holes . What's happening when you have childhood trauma for example fear of abandonment I made a powerful video I am gonna leave a card here check it out it's gonna change your entire life

so if you have the fear of abandonment , you are attracting the same out there you are attracting low vibrational entities and people who already have the fear of abandonment. Have you ever dated a girl with massive fear of abandonment? So what happens in that relationship everything is perfect until the wound bonding happens ,then the female's the fear of abandonment gets triggered and that opens a huge hole , opens the line and then the crazy show begins.

First of all Your thoughts are changing , your emotions are changing , there is something inside you that is still , calm confident knowing ,stillness ,that is your soul, consciousness , awareness. You have to connect with that.

Because of the matrix programming We are constantly reacting to situations in our lives and we are letting our emotions and our thoughts be pulled by those situations...You see how reactive this is... we are living in a very unconcsious way...We are constantly reacting to situations in our lives and we let our emotions and thoughts be pulled by those situations....You have to turn all of this around ,you got to start noticing and knowing that you are a very strong eternal soul and you can self generate the thoughts and the feeling you want... and that is real mastery...This is what freedom means ,this is a free mind .And the more that you can do this, the more that you can learn this skill of self-generation of feelings then the higher your vibration is gonna go... because then suddenly it doesn't matter if my life is a little bit messy I can still within myself generate the positive emotions,

meditations ,nature ,fun activities have fun, watch a movie, you need to bring comfort to yourself... this is where you really start to create that space to create those self -generated emotions...

Self-love is self-healing .

If you seek the truth be prepared to see the darkness as well the light

You need to have patience because the moment you will begin to raise your vibration you will be faced with the darkness that is inside you and with the darkness that is inside everyone that is close to you their demons will be irritated , you will be attacked with all they have so you have to be prepared to hold the light !

We need to learn how to release negative emotions with gratitude and forgiveness . Because that is how transmutation of low frequencies into high frequencies works. Through gratitude and forgiveness instead of blame and judgement, we raise the vibration quickly. This requires to take a different perspective and see the benefit in every situation: What does it teach me, what do I recognize about myself and for my own growth? Who did I meet that is important now to me that I would not have met?… When we take a 5D view on things, we recognize the perfection and purpose in all our experiences and encounters. By learning the language of energy, understanding the universal laws and the process of creation, we recognize that we always have the steering wheel and we can choose if we want to go down the road of fear or drive up the highway of love.

Another big distorted programming of the 3D Matrix is that acting out emotions is inappropriate. Crying, screaming, shaking, but also loud laughing or singing in public is simply inadequate in this ego-based society. What we have to understand is that acting out emotions is a good thing! It is a natural reflex that we have for a reason. It is like energetic puking. Children naturally use that reflex. If they have an energy in their system that does not belong there, they scream, they cry or shake to release it right away. And everything is cool again a couple of minutes later. Until we teach them that it is not okay to behave that way. So we keep all this toxic energy in our system and our emotional body gets an overload up to a point that can lead to serious depression. It starts passing on dense energies into the physical body, which stores it. At some point, it will manifest as muscle pains, inflammations first, and can lead to serious illnesses such as cancer, heart attacks, strokes etc.

3-You have to increase your resilience...the ability to get back up from whatever life is throwing at you by seeing the lesson behind every experience you are living by realizing that everything is happening for you ,and not you,.... This is a 5D perspective by the way...By being solution oriented , mastering how to get outside of your ego and observe without judgement ,meditation can help with that .... this can help you to move so faster when something difficult happening at your don't spent any time at all about complaining about the problem... you immediately focusing your attention on the lesson and solutions and how to get there... because if you allow your mind to complain your vibration is gonna drop

IF you are thinking of someone who is toxic... you start inviting that energy to your life whatever you focus grows , you think you are thinking , but you are not thinking , thoughts are happening to you. and the moment you think of someone that is toxic you invite him in

Food energy make sure your plate is packed with high quality foods full of nutrients who serve your body... plant based alkaline diet is generally the best solution but depends on your

human body, make sure you are eating life, and not death and disease , one is gonna help you and protect you and one interfere with your own energetic vibration in a very negative way

Make sure you workout, working out going for a walk in nature also is helping you to ground your energetic system which means you are getting less effected by negativity, and also you

are naturally raising your vibration.... the more you raise your vibration the less dense energies interact with you and effect you because you no longer vibrate at the same level

every single day you got to set healthy energetic boundaries ,I am learning how to put myself first, only by putting yourself first you can learn

how to love yourself, its not narcissistic.

-Focus on your purpose....when you know your why, why you are here everything else becomes bearable ,if anything difficult happens to you... the person who knows the why will be able to bounce back really quickly...Even if you don't know your purpose just focus that there is a purpose and will unlock itself in time when you are ready.

Discipline means that you are going to get very good at establishing daily practices that you are going to stick to them no matter what...You are not gonna be like I am gonna do that and after 3 days that I see no results I am gonna give up....You have to be disciplined in order to create the practices that are going to help you shift your vibration , and stick to those practices every day....

Working out, cycling in nature, walking ,running,

You are going need to stick to these practices consistently to stick to the changes of thoughts ,to the self-generating emotions ,all this stuff, You are going to need to be very disciplined

even if you don't see any change in your outside world...getting to 5th dimension is all about mastering alchemy...Whenever you have a huge shift mentally and spiritually the physical world has to catch up. This is why taking a step forward can feel like taking 10 steps back. During this transition we move to an energetic bridge that connects our past reality to future

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