As I was growing up, there was a lot of lies I was accepting as truth. If we don't question our belief systems we go on to create a lot of hustle for ourselves.
The first lie I was telling to myself is a had to grind, to try hard, no pain no gain, blood , sweat and tears.
That I had struggle like crazy to make it, what I realized along my journey after my spiritual awakening is how to be in the flow of life, where my internal world is balanced. I go out for cardio every single day for cycling in nature, I get in touch with my creative core, I meditate, I get all those beautiful frequencies of mother earth, my energy levels are highly increased because I don't burn out, now suddenly my production level was going through the roof . I learned how to love myself more and treat my body like a temple so it can operate better.
Suddenly I was a very good company for everyone next to me, because I was loving myself and I wasn't so stressed all the time.
Slowing down and keeping balance is super important in order to avoid burnout , and generally to get out of the survival mindset where you are in stress 24/7 due to the dysfunction of the ego that has a flight or fight response to everyone and everything around you. From the people in social media, or in your internet encounters, to the people in your job, to your family members , to relationships, worrying about the bills, worrying and stressing about everything.... And the greatest part is that in the end of the night you overthink in all of these creating suffering and wasting a lot of energy and time.
2- I Must win . I grew up in competition, and not only that, from young age I was told to be better than the guy next to me in school , I was raised to believe I am broken , I am unworthy ,I am not enough. To always push to reach the finish line from a place of emptiness . If you think you have to win that means you need competition, this whole concept is part of the duality , is part of the competition but really there is no winning and there is no losing , there is only the experience the process. When I realized that I had to surrender to my uniqueness and just really crate my own lane , it was a wonderful truth to wake up to .
3-I used to believe I am my past. I also used to believe that mistakes define me. A lot of us we walk around and we want to appear like we have the perfect life. Whatever you see on social media , the majority of it is a lie, so I decided to stop comparing myself with anything, on the other side to always get inspired to reach my greatest version.
Many times our ego thinks we have to have it all together, so any little mistake we make , we are very judgmental toward ourselves if we did something in the past we blame ourselves for it, we carry a lot of guilt a lot of shame a lot of heavy baggage . So what I said to myself was that ok, any mistake I make is only a stepping stone towards my greatness.
As I was detaching from the matrix and I was observing my unconscious brain I stopped believing I am my past, I stopped believing that I am a prisoner of the past. As I learned how to do inner child work , shadow work, I was no longer attached to the emotions and the thoughts of the past, and at the same time as I was getting quantum and my third eye popped open , I was falling in love with the vision of my future.
4- There is no time. . Linear time is a huge prison of the mind that moves you out of the present moment and out of the flow state with the universe. Linear time is necessary for the matrix to run. That means that everything seems to be in order, the world seems to be in order. Everybody goes to their jobs ,they have their jobs the produce something for the society etc etc... The problem is that you are put like a mouse on a treadmill, you are running , you are running... but you don't know where you are going. Most people are in jobs they hate for the shake of survival. These jobs are their comforts zones, they get their paycheck their ego gives them the illusion that they are safe, while at the same time they are bored ,they don't love what they are doing , they sometimes are depressed , disconnected they are so far away from the present moment , and they always wanna escape their life that they created. The truth of the matter is that their heart is telling them you should do this you should do that.... But it's the unknown and they are too scared to go to the unknown because there is nothing guaranteed there. As I described in the number one ,they are afraid because they didn't embrace their shadow side. So they get stacked into those dead zones where every day they get drained they become desensitized and they are disconnecting more and more from their selves.
Everything seems to be in order , but in reality this order is an illusion. The system forces you to be at that 8 hours in that environment, that locks you into a prison.
The flow of the universe lies in the present moment. THIS IS THE REAL ORDER !The perfect path of this life is when you get in that flow. If I could describe this , it would be something like: Following your heart impulses in complete trust, detached from everything, connected with everything , in a place between discipline and surrender in the present moment where PAST , PRESENT , AND FUTURE are happening at the SAME time in the eternal NOW! In Simple words the concept of linear time is a prison of the mind that locks you in the past projecting conditions of cause and effect (if this happens, then that), to the past or to the future, creating the illusion of infinite choices that no matter which you pick, you are in the prison of your past that your mind is programmed to create it (since the moment of your birth , through your shadow side that you are afraid to look at).
By following your heart and getting in the present moment , by doing the things you love which are streams that flow you into the present moment (where past present and future are happening at the same time) you now have a direction at life that will eventually when you are ready and you get the lessons the soul lessons when your brain evolves when you finally become a vibrational match your purpose will be revealed. This can never be done through the concept of linear time. When you are in your purpose, you have transcended time in general. My purpose which is much bigger than me , revealed to me after my spiritual awakening (11/11/2019), when I was experiencing the 5th dimension in super high vibrations.
Your purpose will light up your whole entire LIFE!
Everything is energy, everything is frequency ,everything is vibration.
We need to learn the language of energy and develop our third eye, until the pineal gland gets activated. Only then we can see through the bs of the matrix, through all the lies and the reverse programming! Everything is reversed Everything that we learned through the system is a big fat lie and we must get rid of it from our brains so we can live our greatest life !
I used to be in this trap for 30 years of my life, hahaha!!!
5- The belief that money is real.
Money is energy ok? It something that we all agreed to give our energy to it as a mean for exchange, so in the bigger picture we are money, we give it value we give it energy. For a long time I was stacking up all of this money and then I realized the real money was the energy within me. So I don't worship money, I believe the real currency is the ATP of the cell , I let money work for me and that's why my life has become more rich
6- They have a better life than me , comparison, a lot of times we believe everything we see out there in social media, after a long journey in this human experience I learned how to see behind the human ego masks, and I realized that most of these people are lying , underneath the smiles and underneath their best lives , lies a wounded inner child and a depression is lurking in the back of their minds. So stop comparing to other people and suffering because you are not there that's an illusion , that's the ego, that's the matrix. Instead get inspired from them to reach to your greatest version ! Everybody is going through something, that's one of the greatest truths that exist in Christianity, everybody carries his cross. You don't know what they are going through. It helps when you are not envious when you are looking at them, focus on planting your own vision and realizing that you have so much to be grateful for.
7- I used to believe that there is a limit to my greatness, a lot of us we say ok I have reached the peak, I have reach the top, let me stop now. NO, there is no limit , when you are building up that momentum that's the time to keep on going !!!
8- I used to believe that food is food, that I can eat anything, and because of that mentality I suffered in a big way. I suffered so much, and pain was my greatest teacher. Because if you are not conscious of the food you eat, it's gonna affect your mental emotional , and spiritual health . So just taking care of myself , the food I am eating, practicing self care and self love, my whole life ascended to a whole another level !
9- I used to believe that if I am not famous , I am a nobody. If I don't make it to the top... I realized along my journey . A lot of us we are saying I wanna be famous I wanna be a star. That's the ego. I realized I was the star way before the fame and the change and everything. We are all stars. So I don't have to strive to become something for the shake of being famous. I already am. I AM
10- I used to believe that you have to become serious when speaking about something serious. No you don't
I realized along my journey that the message is getting through other people's mind easier when there is a sense of humor to that. The more tension we have we take the fun out of everything, and for me a great catalyst of creativity is to become playful, and of course to have fun in the present moment to enjoy life! That's what helped me to become my greatest version. To have the wisdom of an old evolved man, and at the same time the innocence and the playfulness of a child.
11- I used to tell myself that there is only one path, on way, my mind was limited through the matrix programming.
Whenever I am sharing with someone I am not here to tell you what to do , I am here to share with you what helped me along my journey. Each life experience has infinite perceptions and through the ego consciousness level you can't see beyond a choice you don't understand
We are all here for a different mission, we have to follow our calling by being in tune with our heart space and connect with our soul, with this deeper dimension inside us, with this transcended dimension of ego inside us that is the observer of the ego
So everybody is at a different path and they perceive reality as they are.
The paradox of the truth is that it is one path with infinite expressions of the unique energetic mix of each soul that exists in this human experience!