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What is GOD? What are you?

Writer's picture: foly123foly123

Let me share with you what helped me along my journey.

After 11/11/2019 that my spiritual awakening got triggered , suddenly I was aware of this energy. Back in 28/6/2022 that I write the blog now. I am aware that there is an energy that gives order in everything is this existence. It's energy that manifest itself in this time dimension through each and every single cell of this reality. This energy has consciousness it has intelligence, higher intelligence. We are part of this energy as soul as a unique extension of it. Our body's is an organism a community of 40 trillion cells, it's cell is independent and they all unite and work together. When we become no-one , no thing, no-time we have access to the quantum field(everything exists there as frequency as electromagnetic possibility, he who brings "life" to it is the observer and that's you! That's equal to your creative imagination), we have risen above this time dimension, we are more energy that material. The quantum field, the spirit world , our soul , our higher self, they are different expressions of the god consciousness. This is happening in your spiritual awakening. Things are much different there:

In space-time, you experience the environment with your body, your senses, and time. Time appears linear because you are separate from objects, things, people, and places—as well as the past and the future. In time-space(5th dimension ,quantum field), however, you experience this realm with your awareness—as a consciousness, not as a body with senses. This realm exists beyond your senses. You access this domain when you are totally in the present moment so there is no past or future, just one long now. Since your awareness is beyond the realm of matter, because you have taken all your attention off matter, you can become aware of different frequencies all carrying information, and these frequencies allow you to have access to different unknown dimensions. So if you are in a realm above the senses and unfolding as consciousness into the energy of the unified field(quantum field, the realm of oneness GOD CONSCIOUSNESS), you can experience many possible dimensional realities. The more your consciousness MELTS with the GOD consciousness , the more your brain remember GOD (which brings understanding about GOD)

When you are in the quantum field (spirit world) You are above the realm of time, time is infinite so you realize this :

-In the world of space-time, as we increase or decrease the speed with which we go from point A to point B, the time it takes to get there changes

-In the world of time-space, as we become aware of an increase or decrease in the speed of the frequency or vibration of energy, we can go from one space to another space or from one dimension to another dimension.

-When we collapse space, we experience time in the material reality. When we collapse time, we experience spaces or dimensions in the immaterial reality. Each of those individual frequencies is carrying information, or a level of consciousness, that we experience as different realities, as we become aware of them(this awareness equals to your creative imagination).

As the great Nicola Tesla said , if you wanna understand the secrets of the universe you got to think in terms of energy frequency and vibration.

So the more we melt with the God consciousness with the unified field the more we reconnect with our soul the closer we getting in understanding God Ok now walk with me.

So, putting it in simple words, if we wanna emulate god with something in this physical reality, it would be SUN ("son of god").

You are as consciousness as soul you are the photon. The photon is the SUN("son of god") but doesn't have exactly the superior abilities and the power of the SUN .When the sun shoots the photon to the earth as the photon travels this time dimension experiences separation from the sun ( it forgets it is the SUN("son of god") and experiences the evil of this reality. Now imagine you are the photon , when you were born in this time dimension as you were growing up, your forgot you are GOD--->SUN ("son of GOD) and you were experiencing separation and all the evil of this reality. Now, the moment that the photon hits your eye it remembers it is the SUN ("son of GOD"). That's exactly the moment of your Spiritual Awakening. The moment of your spiritual awakening you remember you ARE GOD (Son of god) the higher intelligence the higher consciousness everything that exists in the quantum field and above as frequency.

The key ,the portal which those frequencies enter in this the 3rd Eye, the translator of the quantum field light (with light I don't meet photons, I mean the higher frequencies of the quantum field ) into our body is our nervous system, and mainly the para-sympathetic nervous system.

God is not from this time dimension, god is no-thing in here, You can't label god through what you experience with your 5 senses, because it cannot be experienced through those, it is no -thing from what you experiences with your 5 senses . God (consciousness energy ) experience and manifests itself in this time dimension through US our cells and every cell in the universe. So the moment you are aware of the unmanifested, you are Spiritually awakened , you are GOD, you are an open vessel for the god to manifest itself in this time dimension. Those are gonna be the deepest the most mystical the most alive the most abundant experiences of your life. As the Great Nicola Tesla said "My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists"

Once you are there, your brain is just a receiver, you are NOW recording 24/7 on the Unified field (quantum field )( that's the 5th dimension state of consciousness where the human being is moving to the next level of it's evolutionary process). The UNITY consciousness, the dimension of oneness!

Higher intelligence. GOD.

Jesus{SUN(son of GOD)} said, "The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light" [Matthew 6:22] . I am pretty sure he is talking about the pineal gland . That's the cosmic antenna that's how the light from the quantum field the higher frequencies get inside that's how the Photon (son of god) Remembers he is the SUN of GOD!

Jesus {SUN(son of god)} said in the parable of the Mustard seed :The Kingdom of Heaven is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field; which indeed is smaller than all seeds but when it is grown, it is greater than the herbs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in its branches

If you pay closer attention the kingdom of heaven looks like the pineal gland and that's how the light of the higher dimensions gets in.

" so that the birds of the air come and lodge in its branches"

So if the portal to the quantum field is the pineal gland " which a man took, and sowed in his field" (the activation of the pineal gland and the translation of the quantum data through the parasympathetic nervous system to the human body ["his field"]) and the birds are the light codes of the quantum field , this Egyptian hieroglyphic Bennu Bird makes sense

One of the most famous ancient creatures and symbols in ancient Egyptian mythology and religion is the Bennu bird which is also known as the Phoenix. The bird represents the concept of resurrection and the rising sun . As the light codes get inside you in your spiritual awakening there is a death and rebirth.(The symbol of Jesus (Son of God) death. The rebirth is the ascension process and the embodiment is the rising sun the light codes, the metamorphosis of Jesus (son of god) --->Jesus (SUN of GOD), SOUL UNION , EMBODIMENT OF SOUL.

The kingdom of heaven is inside you, YOU ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD . The PORTAL the activation of the pineal gland! [Jesus( Son of GOD ---> SUN of GOD)]JESUS ---> GOD.

Along my journey I realized it's all connected . If you wanna understand GOD you have to melt with the UNITY consciousness you have to think AS ONE

Through THE EYES of ONENESS in the present moment which past present and future are happening at the same TIME and it's all connected.

This way you will have A better understanding about this human experience and about GOD


When the illusion of separation is transcended you can have a clearer view of how GOD manifests in this time Dimension.

I believe we have to become better observers and we will come to greater understandings ! Thanks for being here !! I love you! <3

The Parable of the Mustard Seed is one of the shorter parables of Jesus. It appears in Matthew (13:31–32), Mark (4:30–32), and Luke (13:18–19).

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