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The only way out is IN. A guide that is gonna speed up your Inner Union!

Writer's picture: foly123foly123

When it comes to listening to our Souls, first we need to remove our obstacles in our paths. These obstacles often include toxic beliefs ( like fear of abandonment , fear of rejection , believing money is evil, fear of the unknown, victim mentality, fear of poverty, fear of illness , obsession ) , ideas , repressed feelings , suppressed desires , in other words all the wounds we carry since our really young age most of our shadow was created in the first 8-9 years of our life.

So, the question is , how do we start?

First we need to become aware, to have enough awareness to understand the "different voices" inside us and then to begin removing the blocks through inner child work and shadow-work.

In our day to day life, inside us there is the voice of the monkey mind , which is coming from the default mode network part of the brain, that part of the brain is responsible for that voice of thinking inside you. At the same time there are the "choices " of the heart, which are impulses, and then there is the voice of the Intuition.

So How do I know if its my intuition speaking or emotions of fear of doubt of worry (the monkey mind )

1-Your emotions are always temporary, your intuition is always about the truth. Emotions will manipulate you into believing the truth, your emotions will try to persuade you through the picture of illusion, your intuition doesn't have to do that because it is coming from a place of calm knowing. Any time you wanna know if you are on emotions or intuition ask yourself this :

Am I in a hurry inside me to decide ? Your emotions are always in a hurry (the monkey mind is always in a hurry). Your intuition transcends that , it is a calm knowing. Meditation helps you become more intuitive, intuition is the ability to judge well and see the truth. Your intuitions is always right, and when I say always I mean always!

2-If they trigger you, if you get triggered it's your emotions. Your intuition does not get triggered externally. For example: Your parents are telling you , you should do this, you should do that, you should go to school do that , do this, and then you feel a certain way, "maybe they are right". That is your emotions ! Your intuition always knows what's best for you because it is coming from the inner dialogue that, that inner voice not the external one.

3- If you have that feeling of trust, if you trust yourself it is your intuition. If you are full of doubt it's your emotions. The intuition is guiding you, keyword guiding!

4- The emotions consume your whole entire body and you getting sucked into the vortex and if you get sucked on it you feel a certain way for a lot of time. Never allow temporary emotions to make a permanent decision. Emotions are temporary they fleeting your intuition is not.

5-Your intuition is always looking for your health for your peace of mind. Your emotions don't care, emotions of fear are linked to the ego, your intuition is linked to the heart space. Any time you have this sudden emotion that's coming from a place of your lower nature that is linked to fear and every time you watch the media with all the pandemic and all this stuff

they know how to get your emotions to trigger them and control you they target your emotions....your intuition is never afraid.... so your intuition is not fear based....

6-Internal world that is your intuition , higher nature -> intuition, lower nature...emotions of fear. When you are led by your soul that is your intuition....

when you are led by the ego that is emotions of fear...

If you are stuck right now between choosing is this the ego the emotions of fear or my intuition...Am i judging everything am I analyzing everything? if you are that is not your intuition..

your intuition doesn't need to analyze anything or judge anything because it already can connect with your intuition when you meditate when you are absorbing yourself into

the present moment when you allow your thoughts and emotions to come through you without judgment... is when you absorb yourself into the present moment 100%

A lot of the times we get emotional when something happens..

Your intuition is neutral... is never too high is never too low....on the other side when you eat a good meal you feel super happy , when you win the lottery you feel super happy, your intuition is just in the middle just balanced.... its always in the same spot... that silent voice that quite voice... still silence that is just kind gentle and un assuming

The ego always wants to impose itself to you... its survival... your intuition does not need to survive... its only there as your internal Gps guiding you on where you wanna be to live your

best life...!!!

The impulses of the heart are like an energetic Pull to go somewhere it's like you are getting pulled to go to the right or to go to the left it's an inner pull of energy towards a direction, that can be on the physical reality and also on the inner reality on a direct thought that connects with the outer at the present moment !

When we learn to listen to what's happening inside us now we have a clear vision and we always have the steering wheel to choose the highway of love or the downward spiral of fear.

Then we have to practice :

Self-Love and Authenticity

Before you can love others, you must love yourself. Self-love is about learning to unconditionally accept your authentic self. This means learning how

to completely love all of your insecurities, flaws, “ugly” bits and perceived failures.

Then we have to practice shadow work:

Shadow Work is basically self-love in disguise, and it is an “advanced” type of Soul work. This is because shadow work involves a significant amount of

maturity and courage to unconditionally accept the “dark” parts of yourself.

Shadow Work involves identifying and understanding your Shadow Self. Your Shadow Self in simple terms is all the things you have inside you that you don't even know they exist (your unconscious ) It consists of traumas , but also gifts from your ancestors . Shadow-work is the greatest act of self love and also the practice that makes us whole again and brings us closes to ourselves.

The inner child is the key holder in going to the 5th dimension , in that inner union in connecting with your true self, your soul. When we started our journey on earth, it did not take long until we were completely caught up in the 3D game, and programmed with false belief systems and templates. We took for granted what we learned. Everything was based on scarcity and competition. Being not good enough and having to be better, jump higher, perform more… that was our reality. We did not question that maybe what schools, churches, governments, the industries, etc. taught us was not so true after all.

So while growing up in our childhood, we were wounded and hurt because all of this programming was not in line with our true essence. Our fears and traumas that we experience today stem from that time. When we face a certain situation our system recalls the memory of the past and reacts with the same protective strategy we came up with as a child. That results in anger attacks, crying, manipulating etc. We end up in the same mess again and again until we realize that we have to empower our inner child to get rid of the pattern. . The inner child, when still in sabotage mode, is the nurturer of the ego, giving it the fear patterns it needs to keep us in fear. When we make our inner child our best friend and get it to trust us completely, the ego cannot get any energy and is forced to transform into a higher frequency. Fear patterns are reprogrammed into love patterns this way.

Choose curiosity over Fear!

From that emotional space you are much more likely to hear your inner voice

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