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Writer's picturefoly123

How to help other people Wake up!

So suddenly your spiritual awakening is getting triggered and your boyfriend , your girlfriend everybody around you is sleeping.

The first thing that is gonna come in your mind is to awake others, to force awakening on others to try to control them because there is still the matrix inside you. The need for control is coming from the fear of abandonment. This is a very deep program inside your unconscious mind that you need to take care of first because you can proceed in helping people find themselves. So first you have to find yourself. If you wanna change the world , you do that by changing yourself, by removing everything that is no longer you , by detaching from the matrix completely .So first we have to become the observer of our unconscious mind and we have to learn the language of our emotions . All the negative emotions are messengers of where you don't love yourself unconditionally, are messengers that are telling you where you must pay your attention. By becoming the space for the uncomfortable emotion to run inside you without judging it or blocking it, by complete acceptance of it, by feeling it and trying to acknowledge it comes the purging . After you feel it now you have to observe the thoughts the repetitive thought patterns that perpetuate it . By shining in the light of awareness to those thoughts now you dis-identify with them ( for example the need to force awakening on other people is coming through the ego[in a deeper level you are afraid of getting abandoned by the old environment that doesn't really get you]) . So now you have to shine in the light of awareness between the link of the thought and the emotion. When you do that you will realize that you create your own pain , and the moment you understand you are the observer of what is going on inside you and you are no longer the program now the program doesn't get fueled because you don't believe it and it naturally subsides.

The hard part is gonna be to dive deep inside you first and to remove the roots of the problem, most of them began in your childhood, so you have to acknowledge your emotions, then see the repetitive thoughts and then follow back that creation into your past memories until you reach in the inception. The inception has been done through the first 8-9 years in our lives. The emotion is the same, the repetitive thought patterns are pretty much the same. So you have to realize all the unconscious creation you did first to go back in the past and change it, and finally reach to the beginning and change the causation that deepen your being. This way you are now free. You have to do this with all the unconscious programs of the matrix. You can only help people awaken when you awaken yourself first. You can help people get out of the matrix when you detach yourself first. It's not enough to see beyond the matrix, you have to completely remove it within yourself to be able to help other people awake.

Ok so after this has been done, which is the dark night of the soul actually, the death of your old ego and all the parts of you that are not you. You literally die in all levels .Then the reconstruction of the new ego that is like a free spirit that is as above ( your soul) so below(your mind) is happening at the same time... the old is collapsing the new is getting born. This will take years. Now you can follow some of my advice on how you can inspire change to other people in your environment.

So you are going around the process of awakening and people around you don't get you anymore and you feel very lonely

1- I realized that you have to become an example , you have to become a lighthouse. The higher you rise in frequency, the higher you rise in the 5th dimension the better it is from everyone. The more light you are, the more other people can get inspired by you.

But you have to be prepared thought.

Your whole life can become a protest just by changing your Lifestyle.

For example:

The moment you begin to really love yourself for the first time , to really go inside and connect with your soul , to learn how to do inner child work, shadow-work (which is the greatest act of self love), the truth is that most people will not want to support you. Not only that , but society at large will continue to bombard you with toxic subliminal messages, such as :

You have to make people like and accept you.

You have to put others’ needs above your own all the time with no exception.

You have to conform to the status quo and fit in.

And when it comes to those around you:

You have to be unhappy and discontent – just like us.

The reality is that most people don’t like being truly happy: instead, they prefer comfort, stability, security, and control. Why? Because safety and predictability is the most comfortable way to live according to sociocultural standards.

Unfortunately, the childlike mindset of needing to seek safety is precisely what makes (most) people so hesitant to support your self-love journey. When you walk the path less traveled, you directly contradict what others have invested so much of their effort into – comfort and mediocrity. Inevitably, you become a threat. By challenging people to reconsider their choices, actions, and mindsets through your behavior, you unintentionally trigger self-doubt in others. And very few people are brave enough to honestly look at themselves and change.

The truth is that when you start practicing self-love, you become a social heretic. You stick out. You stop fitting in. You cease being one of those misery-loves-company sheeple who thrive on self-pity and cynicism. And suddenly this puts you in a very uncomfortable position, a position where you have to choose between taking the narrow path, or the wide, easy path.

Some of us give up. Others of us persist, but end up withering under the weight of social pressure. But then, some of us continue on that lonely path, being comforted by a few on the way, but otherwise battling against the constant onslaught of “you’re not good enough,” “you should be like us,” “you aren’t worth it,” “you’re so selfish.”

Loving yourself, TRULY and UNCONDITIONALLY loving yourself in this era, is a breathtaking accomplishment. It is an exceptionally rare practice that many people talk about, but few genuinely know how to walk the talk

This is how the change is happening ( not being in your ego and telling people wake up wake up!!) Once you really awaken and change! Once you change people will start changing around you, but this is gonna be really uncomfortable in the beginning until you get used to it . Very few people are brave enough to honestly look at themselves and change. The majority will project their unconscious onto you. Like an empath you are now a mirror to everyone around you. The key here is to be in complete detachment , to meditate over the experience and your response should always come from that transcended dimension of consciousness inside you and through the ego -identity!!

Once you change your vibrational frequency , everything aligns to that vibrational frequency!

In order to find your truth, you have to be able to hold the light as you face your darkness . This begins from within first and then it is reflected out there. Because the world we live out there is nothing more than a reflection of our internal condition. So when you begin to face your darkness your shadow side, the world out there the shadow in the world out there is gonna begin to "attack" you. The key here is complete detachment. If they judge you, you don't judge back. That's their consciousness , how they view their world and what is going on in their lives at that moment. If they are unconscious , you stay conscious and detached !

That's the step number 1

2- If you wanna help other people awaken highlight what is happening to those celebrities. Jim carry said I hope everybody can get rich so they can see it is not the answer . Money helps, but it's not the answer.

Show people that not everything that glitters is gold and that's a great gateway to get people to start thinking more deeply to say, omg what is happening on the planet, something just isn't right

3- Show them your body transformation , your health your mood , your happiness increasing just by eating a healthier diet . Show them the before and then the after. The truth cannot be told it has to be realized. People have to come to know their own truth, but your body transformation is gonna trigger them. " You are eating better" "you got so much energy, you are looking like 18."

4-Meet people where they are, realize that everyone is here learning in this universe-ity , meaning that everyone is in a different level of consciousness , meaning awareness and different stage of evolution. So when you meet people where they are , you have more compassion for them , you get to see where they are coming from, so meet people where they are. Not everyone is you , they haven't had the same experiences the same education .

5- If you really wanna help other people awaken, put yourself in their shoes, and then meditate over yourself and over them and the answers have to come through the transcended dimension of consciousness inside you.

6-This was super hard for me to realize. You have to Keep it as simple as possible, make the information as close to them as possible and that's a part of being a good teacher. They don't look at that information like you do. You got to break it down. Because if you can make something simple , everybody can make it. Make it more accessible but make sure that the truth remains

7- Realize that you don't have to feed their ignorance at the same time, you don't have to tolerate it continue to be exactly the way you are ,authentically express yourself, speak your truth even if your voice shakes, even if you stand alone. Be you don't change because people aren't awakening , they will come around. Stay doing what you are doing and stay in your light like a lighthouse.

8- Show them more of their greater truth, their greater truth.

9- No mercy approach. Show them flat out on their face. What you actually done there is you put a seed into that person, their ego will not like it and it will fight you back, but stay detached it doesn't matter it's just the ego. Don't sugarcoat anything , be honest straight and authentic on how you see it. You are not here to start impressing people you are here to be authentic and live your truth. True freedom starts when you don't need to impress anyone anymore.

10- STOP wasting time on people who don't wanna listen who don't wanna hear you out. Focus all your energy all your time on the people who are wanting to listen to you. On the people that they are diving deep, that's how you form a community that's how you start not feeling alone, you are getting supported along your awakening journey and now you form a community, and they become your family they give you the motivation the enthusiasm to keep on going every single day!

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